Parasite Control


Parasite Control

Protect your poultry from harmful parasites with our reliable parasite control solutions. These chemicals safeguard your flock, enhancing their overall health and reducing the risk of infestations.

Broad Spectrum Ectoparasiticide

Chemban is an organophosphorus broad spectrum ectoparasiticide, highly effective in control of ectoparasites like ticks, mites, lice and flies.

  • Causes inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase enzyme due to absorption of Chemban through skin in ectoparasites
  • Highly effective in prevention and control of ectoparasitic infection


  • Chlorpyrifos 20% EC


  • As recommended by the nutritionist/veterinarian


  • 1 Litre

Most Effective Fumigant

Fumiplus is a ready to use product for fumigation, which acts by denaturing of proteins leading to the death of the microorganisms. It is a unique product, packed in a specially designed container, which on dry heating releases gas, highly effective against microorganisms and parasites.

  • Broad spectrum efficacy
  • Highly effective even in presence of organic matter
  • Easily penetrates even into inaccessible areas of application due to gaseous form
  • Easy to handle


  • Paraformaldehyde: 96%
  • Bronopol: 2%


  • 1 unit: 5000 cubic feet
  • Or as recommended by the nutritionist/veterinarian


  • 1 unit

Unique Formulation For Pest Control

N-Dona is based on a unique formulation for control of mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, ants, wasps, bedbugs, spiders and mites. It is also effective for mosquito bed nets and curtains treatments. It is applied by spraying uniformly on the surfaces of walls and crevices or by brush-dip method.

  • Long residual action
  • Odourless and non-staining


  • Alpha-Cypermethrin


  • 15 – 30 ml/ litre of water
  • Or as recommended by the nutritionist/veterinarian


  • 1 Litre

Powerful Rodenticide

Nordent is a powerful rodenticide which contains Bromadiolone, a potent second-generation anti-coagulant. It exerts its toxicity by interfering with the prothrombin synthesis and regeneration of Vitamin K.

  • Does not act as an instant poison thereby eliminating entire colony of rodents
  • Easy and convenient method of application


  • Bromadiolone


  • Cake: Ready to use
  • Concentrate powder: Bait
  • Or as recommended by the nutritionist/veterinarian


  • Cake: 100 g
  • Powder: 500 g

Broad Spectrum Insecticide

Rax Power is a broad spectrum insecticide for use as a residual spray against adult vector control of mosquitoes, houseflies and cockroaches. It is intended for dilution with water for application.

  • Based on novel, synthetic pyrethroid
  • Enduring control of mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies
  • Reliable control at lower dosages
  • Easy application
  • No odour or staining on treated surfaces


  • Lambda Cyhalothrin 10% WP


  • 75 – 150 gm/10 litres water for 500 sw. metres surface area
  • Or as recommended by the nutritionist/veterinarian


  • 5 g pouch

Highly Effective Insecticide

Noflee Bait is a Propoxur containing insecticide which acts as a contact poison in parasites. It inhibits acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme involved in the neurotransmission, producing neurotoxic effects in the insects.

  • Highly effective insecticide bait against a variety of insects and pests
  • Used specifically for control of cockroaches and flies
  • Ensures fast and long lasting effect
  • Strong knockdown activity


  • Propoxur: 2%


  • As recommended by the nutritionist/veterinarian


1 kg

Highly Effective Insect Growth Regulator

Nzuron 25 WP is an insect growth regulator based on Diflubenzuron. It acts by interfering in the formation of chitin during the larval stage of the insect development. It is predominantly a stomach poison and shows ovicidal activity through contact by female adult.

  • Wettable Powder
  • Non systemic insect growth regulator
  • Effective against larvae of flies and mosquitoes
  • Suitable for inclusion in Integrated Control Programme


  • Diflubenzuron: 25% wettable powder


  • As recommended by the nutritionist/veterinarian


500 gm